How to do a custom alert


New Member
I'd like to know if is possible to make a custom \[code\]alert\[/code\] maybe using \[code\]javascript\[/code\] or \[code\]ajaxcontroltoolkit\[/code\] I just need to know if is possible, if so I also would like to know HOW ?
The only way I've learned so far, is like this: \[code\]ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(this, typeof(Page), "alert", "alert('MessageHere');", true); \[/code\]But it's kind of ugly. And I saw the \[code\]popUp\[/code\]of the \[code\]ConfirmButtonExtender\[/code\] of \[code\]ajaxcontrolToolkit\[/code\] and it's nice (But only useful on \[code\]buttons\[/code\] when asking the confirmation. I don't know how to just send a message of \[code\]CONFIRMATION\[/code\] you know ? \[code\]confirming\[/code\]e.g: You Click on the button \[code\]register!\[/code\] then you got the message \[code\]You registered the new user Sucessfuly\[/code\].