How can 1 distinguish bad SEOs from good ones?
Someone please help me If they make guarentees they typically are not good, Google/Bing are unpredictable. In most cases, seeing is believing...
Ask for many examples of SEO work that has yielded good results at search engines. Any methods to promote a website that do to follow search engine optimization guidelines are know as bad SEO. Ask to see their results and then ask for references. It's no different than hiring a builder. Just a few things I've picked up from observation:
(*a) This one item eliminates half you'll meet in webmaster forums because they post threads asking why they can't {insert action} right below a sticky thread explaining why they arent allowed to. If they cant read or follow rules that apply to them... they won't know or follow those that apply to your site.
(*b) If you need to ask if something is above board, the chances it's really OK are generally about the same as the odds I'll get a date with Jennifer Anniston. Any seo that promises your site to be in page 1 in search results within a very short period of time is definitely not good. They will either use a kind of blackhat seo techniques that will get your site banned or will not do anything at all . if they promise results in days. it takes weeks, if not months to finally see the results in SEO strategies. Well most bad SEO's especialy those in India say crap like
100% guarantees
And give you a list of "stupid things" they will do
Dir submissions
Se submissions
Meta tags
Bla bla (usualy basic stuff)
A good seo will tell you there is no 100% guarantee and say you will see results not give a stupid list of things they will do sadly many people prefer bull**** over the true ... Well one sure thing to detect it is when they keep on pointing out that they'll get your site to rank #1 on google very fast, like its the only thing that is important by the way.. A good seo takes time, quick or black hat techniques won't do your site any good. Which a lot of seo company wanna bees uses.
Someone please help me If they make guarentees they typically are not good, Google/Bing are unpredictable. In most cases, seeing is believing...
Ask for many examples of SEO work that has yielded good results at search engines. Any methods to promote a website that do to follow search engine optimization guidelines are know as bad SEO. Ask to see their results and then ask for references. It's no different than hiring a builder. Just a few things I've picked up from observation:
- If they bill themself a "web professional"... but can't figure out how to read forum stickies or use a forum search... they aren't. (*a)
- If they offer results that are only obtainable if the users download some toolbar... tell them to take a hike. Oddly, some fall for that nonsense.
- If they offer something that sounds un-believable... it usually means it shouldnt be believed. Do yourself a favor. Don't.
- If they suggest doing anything that is not above board (*b).... but assure you "you won't be caught", you definitely will. Run away.
(*a) This one item eliminates half you'll meet in webmaster forums because they post threads asking why they can't {insert action} right below a sticky thread explaining why they arent allowed to. If they cant read or follow rules that apply to them... they won't know or follow those that apply to your site.
(*b) If you need to ask if something is above board, the chances it's really OK are generally about the same as the odds I'll get a date with Jennifer Anniston. Any seo that promises your site to be in page 1 in search results within a very short period of time is definitely not good. They will either use a kind of blackhat seo techniques that will get your site banned or will not do anything at all . if they promise results in days. it takes weeks, if not months to finally see the results in SEO strategies. Well most bad SEO's especialy those in India say crap like
100% guarantees
And give you a list of "stupid things" they will do
Dir submissions
Se submissions
Meta tags
Bla bla (usualy basic stuff)
A good seo will tell you there is no 100% guarantee and say you will see results not give a stupid list of things they will do sadly many people prefer bull**** over the true ... Well one sure thing to detect it is when they keep on pointing out that they'll get your site to rank #1 on google very fast, like its the only thing that is important by the way.. A good seo takes time, quick or black hat techniques won't do your site any good. Which a lot of seo company wanna bees uses.