How to display XML correctly when converting RSS to Plain XML


New Member
So basically, I have this RSS feed in hand. I converted the RSS into XmlDocument by the following:\[code\] Public Function GroveHallFromRss() As String Dim webClient As System.Net.WebClient = New System.Net.WebClient() Dim ourUrl As String = "" Dim stream AS Stream stream = webClient.OpenRead(ourUrl) Dim xmlDocument AS XmlDocument = new XmlDocument() xmlDocument.Load(stream) Dim root As XmlNode = xmlDocument.DocumentElement Return root.OuterXml.ToString End Function\[/code\]With above, I'm able to get the content of the RSS, but it begin with the \[code\]<string>\[/code\] tag and end with the \[code\]</string>\[/code\] tag. The contents in between are all plain texts squeezed together.If I remove the OuterXml part, and just \[code\]Return root.ToString\[/code\], I got the following:\[quote\] This XML file does not appear to have any style information associated with it. The document tree is shown below. \[code\]<string>System.Xml.XmlElement</string>\[/code\]\[/quote\]So I'm wondering how could I display the converted RSS as any other XML file with the nodes styled. (but not rendered and displayed by browser as RSS, but only styled XML)