The image filenames are stored by unique by add \[code\]vendorID\[/code\] before with it like "200018hari". The below picture show the Table where the \[code\]filename\[/code\] is stored in the column \[code\]Cmp_DocPath\[/code\].
I want to display the particular \[code\]VendorID\[/code\] image from the Server folder "D:\Upload\Commerical Certificates" when the user select the \[code\]vendorID\[/code\] from the dropdownlist.(The picture will not show the full form design with the dropdownlist.)
I try this in Inline code but image not display. But I know this will not help me if the user select other \[code\]VendorID\[/code\] from the dropdown. How I will do by the code-behind in C# ? \[code\] <asp:Image ID="Image1" runat="server" Height="400px" Width="400px" ImageUrl ="AdminCompanyInfo.aspx?FileName=~/Upload/Commerical Certificates/200027mcp.png"/>\[/code\]