How to display number of backlinks in SE?


New Member
Hello there,Do you know how to display total number of backlinks in google or msn or yahoo, I wanted to add this feature to my site to enable visitors check the backlinks for their sites in several major search engines.Backlinks can be seen that way for example: ... =&ei=UTF-8But how to display the total number of links?, like it's done or similar sites.. Could you give me a link or few lines of code please? thanks Well I'm not gonna sit down and write the code for you, but i can help you get started with what functions you need in php. the most valuable one is the pregma_match function which searches a web page for a particular string format. Generally you use it to find links and anchor text but you can use it for finding results too since the format of how search engines spit out information is so templated. The other functions your going to need are fopen-to open the search engine page results to read and some sort of looping function like a while or for loop to search the various engines. This isn't to hard of a script and i think you can find it somewhere for free. Try The key function for the script again is the pregma_match(). That should help you get started.Harwalt wrote: