I have part of a code where it displays a Multi Select box and displays the options depending on the if statement:\[code\]$moduleSELECT = '<select name="moduletextarea" id="moduleselect" size="10">'.PHP_EOL; if($modulenum == 0){$moduleSELECT .= "<option disabled='disabled' value=''>No Modules currently on this Course</option>"; }else{ while ( $currentmodstmt->fetch() ) {$moduleSELECT .= sprintf("<option disabled='disabled' value='http://stackoverflow.com/questions/13716248/%s'>%s - %s</option>", $dbModuleId, $dbModuleNo, $dbModuleName) . PHP_EOL; }}$moduleSELECT .= '</select>';\[/code\]Now from doing some research on the internet I think it is bad practice to include tags inside option tags. So my question is that if the if statement is true where number of records in 0, how can I display the text for \[code\]"<option disabled='disabled' value=''>No Modules currently on this Course</option>";\[/code\] in red colour and if the else statement is met how can I display these options \[code\]sprintf("<option disabled='disabled' value='http://stackoverflow.com/questions/13716248/%s'>%s - %s</option>", $dbModuleId, $dbModuleNo, $dbModuleName) . PHP_EOL;\[/code\] in black colour text?Thanks