How to display an image with URL parameters with PHP


New Member
I'm in the process of changing hosts and have ran into an issue displaying images. On the current host, images are served up with:\[code\]<img id="i1877" src="">\[/code\]However, on the new host, it won't accept the src attribute with the URL dimension parameters. All images are stored on the server in the path format:\[code\]/path/to/image/XLIscjDrEAdkhzAeDsBrXIedV.jpeg200x200/path/to/image/XLIscjDrEAdkhzAeDsBrXIedV.jpeg500x500/path/to/image/XLIscjDrEAdkhzAeDsBrXIedV.jpeg1000x1000\[/code\]Is there an Apache2 mod or something that translates from the URL encoded src to the dimensions appended on the end of the filename? I've never seen a system set up like this and just inherited this project, so any help would be much appreciated! Thanks in advance!