how to display a GridView using javascript


New Member
I have \[code\]GridView1\[/code\] in which I have added extra column called Details, and each row is the Grid has a link button called Details. I have written a javascript that fetches a column value.Therefore what I want to do is I need to use that value as key to display details fetching from the database. I want to present those details in the form of Grid.The code and the script I have written is :\[code\]<Columns><asp:TemplateField HeaderText="Details"><ItemTemplate><a href="javascript:void(0)" title="Click for more details" onclick="OpenPopup('<%# Eval("Device_Profile_Name") %>')">Details</a></ItemTemplate></asp:TemplateField><asp:BoundField DataField="Device_Profile_Name" HeaderText="Device_Profile_Name"SortExpression="Device_Profile_Name" ReadOnly="true" /><asp:BoundField DataField="Node_Profile" HeaderText="Node_Profile" SortExpression="Node_Profile" /></Columns><script language="javascript" type="text/javascript"> function OpenPopup(dev_pro_name) { alert("Device_Profile_Name: " + dev_pro_name); /*"dummyPage.aspx?autoid=" + Device_Profile_Name, "", "width=300,height=200");*/ }</script>\[/code\]Kindly help..Thank you..!!