How to dispaly image from MySQL table to PHP page in table format?


New Member
I am working on image uploader in which the user uploads the image to the mysql database via a simple HTML/PHP form.It works, and now I want to retrieve the saved images from MySQL in a HTML table format. But I am not successful. I am very much a novice in PHP. I have attached the currently used code... can someone please help me create a solution which displays the result as pretty looking table?I also want to allow the user to upload multiple files/images at a time and store those in the database. How would that be possible?Here is my code:\[code\]$query = "SELECT * FROM ae_gallery";$result = mysql_query($query) or die('Error, query failed'); if(mysql_num_rows($result) == 0) {echo "Database is empty <br>"; }else{ echo "<center><b><h1><u>WV Images</u></h1></b></center><br>"; echo "E_Name &ndash; Job_Num &ndash; Reason &ndash; Time &ndash;Image<br><hr>";while(list($E_Name,$Job_num,$ext,$image_time,$data,$Remarks,)=mysql_fetch_array($result)) { echo " {$E_Name} &ndash; {$Job_num} &ndash; {$Model} &ndash; {$Reason} &ndash; {$image_time} &ndash; <a href='{$id}'><img src='http://pagename/wv-images /download.php?id={$id}' width='80' height='80' alt='{$title}' border='0'></a> <br><hr>" ; } } ?> </body> </html>\[/code\]