How to determine the size (# of rows) of a Datagrid after loading?


HI guys,

I wanted to know if there is such a method or function that returns the number of raws (records) of a datagrid after loading a table of a database in it. In other words, after running the application and filling the DataGrid. I made up my own function, but I was wondering if there is such a function ready for you to use!!

Thanks for any suggestionOkaaaaaaaaaay guys, No suggestions???

Please I need somebody to find this out.

Thanksdataset.rows.count should do it for you, assuming you are populating a dataset from the db and that is the datasource for your datagrid.exactly, thanks a lot man, I will try that and let you know.

Thanks a lotNo problem.Oooo,

It didn't work exactly the way you told me. But it helped me figure out how to do it. The way I did it was:


the tablename is the table I bound to the datagrid, an invoked the sql query to. so this worked. I don't remember if it was like this: DataSet.TableName.rows.cout().

I forgot exactly, I will get it and let you know.

Thanks againit will be rows, because you can also count cols, etc. Sorry, I forgot the table name when I gave you that little bit of pseudo code.