How to declare Doctrines Inheritance in a fixtures.yml file?


New Member
I have a problem with the inheritance of Doctrine within my \[code\]fixtures.yml\[/code\] file of Symfony.Imagine the following:NewsAuthor: inheritance: extends: sfGuardUser type: simpleNow I want to declare the default guard user \[code\]User_admin\[/code\] of the fixtures file of the sfDoctrineGuardPlugin to be the author of the first dummy article of my News model. But how to do this?I tried the following:NewsAuthor: AuthorAdmin: sfGuardUser: User_adminBut then I get this error of the \[code\]doctrine:data-load\[/code\] task:Unknown record property / related component "sfguarduser" on "NewsAuthor"I use Symfony 1.4.8 with Doctrine 1.2.3.Thank you in anticipation,