How to deal with large data sets for analytics, and varying numbers of columns'?


New Member
I'm building an analytics system for a mobile application and have had some difficulty deciding how to store and process large amounts of data. Each row will represent a 'view' (like a web page) and store some fixed attributes, like user agent and date. Additionally, each view may have a varying number of extra attributes, which relate to actions performed or content identifiers.I've looked at Amazon SimpleDb which handles the varying number of attributes well, but has no support for GROUP BY and doesn't seem to perform well when COUNTing rows either. Generating a monthly graph with 30 data points would require a query for each day per dataset.MySQL handles the COUNT and GROUP modifiers much better but additional attributes require storage in a link table and a JOIN to retrieve views where attributes match a given value, which isn't very fast. 5.1's partitioning feature may help speed things up a bit. What I have gathered from a lot of reading and profiling queries on the aforementioned systems is that ultimately all of the data needs to be aggregated and stored in tables for quick report generation. Have I missed anything obvious in my research and is there a better way to do this than use MySQL? It doesn't feel like the right task for the job, but I can't find anything capable of both GROUP/COUNT queries and a flexible table structure.