how to databind 2 diff data sources to your datalist/grid?


Hi, not sure if I got the right approach, so if I don't please feel free let me know because this is just a draft atm...

<background story>
this is what I wanted to happen:
1) want to build a site which its content can be modify dynamically (add/remove/change)
2) database driven some of the controls (such as drop box, select box)

what I've got so far:
2 is easy, I got it in all my sites. 1 is ok too, I created a XML doc which contain all the web content, in hope that (a) my site is muti-lingo, (b) user can login to administration interface and change the content of the site on the fly.

The problem I'm going to face soon:
There will be a usage of datalist/grid. I know I can bind the database into my templates, what about the content of my datalist/grid? How can I blind my xml database into the same datalist/grid while binding the database into the template section at the same time? since we call this.datablind(); once anyway...

maybe i got the wrong approach, and I haven't started yet. right now I'm still at design phrase, so please let me know if you have better idea.

Thank you