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Can anyone please help.I am trying to convert excel data into xml file uisng vba. My xml file looks like this, \[code\] <product> <info><i>Samsung</i></info> </product>\[/code\]I want the html tags not to be parsed.so trying to add cdata in vba using createCDATASection method in vba I added vba code like this \[code\] Set objDom = New DOMDocument Set objXMLRootelement = objDom.createElement("Product") Set objXMLelement = objDom.createElement("info") objXMLRootelement.appendChild objXMLelement cdata=http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12454211/objDom.createCDATASection ("<i>Samsung</i>") objXMLelement.text=cdata.text\[/code\]I want my xml file to appear like this and when viewed the viewsource in notepad it should
display '<' as '<' but not 'ampersand lt;'\[code\] <product> <info><![CDATA[<i>Samsung</i>]]></info> </product>\[/code\]after executing my code it is displaying like this,\[code\] <product> <info><i>Samsung</i></info> </product>\[/code\]but cdata tag is not appearing.Dont know the reason.And when viewed the view source of the xml file in notepad '<' symbol is shown as ampersand lt;can anyone please solve this?Thanks in advance
display '<' as '<' but not 'ampersand lt;'\[code\] <product> <info><![CDATA[<i>Samsung</i>]]></info> </product>\[/code\]after executing my code it is displaying like this,\[code\] <product> <info><i>Samsung</i></info> </product>\[/code\]but cdata tag is not appearing.Dont know the reason.And when viewed the view source of the xml file in notepad '<' symbol is shown as ampersand lt;can anyone please solve this?Thanks in advance