How to create a sitemap with page relationships


New Member
I'm currently trying to figure out a way to write a script (preferrably PHP) that would crawl through a site and create a sitemap. In addition to the traditional standard listing of pages, I'd like the script to keep track of which pages link to other pages.Example pages\[code\]ABCD\[/code\]I'd like the output to give me something like the following.Page Name: APages linking to Page A:
  • B
  • C
  • D
Page Name: BPages linking to Page B:
  • A
  • C
etc...I've come across multiple standard sitemap scripts, but nothing that really accomplishes what I am looking for.EDITSeems I didn't give enough info. Sorry about my lack of clarity there. Here is the code I currently have. I've used simple_html_dom.php to take care of the tasks of parsing and searching through the html for me.\[code\]<?phpinclude("simple_html_dom.php");url = 'page_url';$html = new simple_html_dom(); $html->load_file($url);$linkmap = array();foreach($html->find('a') as $link): if(contains("cms/education",$link)): if(!in_array($link, $linkmap)): $linkmap[$link->href] = array(); endif; endif;endforeach;?>\[/code\]Note: My little foreach loop just filters based on a specific substring in the url.So, I have the necessary first level pages. Where I am stuck is in creating a loop that will not run indefinitely, while keeping track of the pages you have already visited.