How to Create a Select Font Drop Down List With a Preview?


New Member
I would l like to create a select drop down list to be able to select a font. In this list, I would like each font option to be shown in that style as a preview of the font.\[code\]<select> <option class="Times-New-Roman" value="">Times New Roman</option> <option class="Verdana" value="">Verdana</option> <option value="">Comic Sans MS</option> <option value="">WildWest</option> <option value="">Bedrock</option></select>\[/code\]Above is a basic drop down box, of which each font type has it's own class name, however cannot seem to work out how to make it so that each class name has it's own font which will show in the drop down list.Thank you for any time spent in helping find a solution.Best Regards,Tim