How to create a pop up wnidow?



can anyone tell me how can i create a pop up window in, please??


NinaYou cant. You would need a client side script to create a window. You can write the client side script out dynamically yes, but it would be the client side script doing the opening. I suggest you not do this though unless it is for something that is not essential for the functionality of the website because javascript is not supported by roughly 10% of the internet and then when you are dealing with windows you have the issues of popup blocker interfearence and different browsers render javascript differently.well do you mean a popup ad window, or just an alert box, such as a greeting or message?

there is a code for a alert box...
<script language="JavaScript">

//put up an alert box, to show how they work.

alert(" here ");
alert(" as many times as you want ");


:confused: is that what your talking about?That isn't that is javascript. The original question asked how can you open a window with, it is not possible. The only way is to have write out javascript. The problem with this is 10% of the internet does not support javascript and then you have to worry about popup blockers and different browsers rendering javascript differently since it is client side.