HOW TO: Create a Mod BBcode like VBTeam


New Member
You will a picture of a warning sign that you need to upload to images/misc folder


then use this

Title: Mod
Tag: mod
.code{font-family: Courier, Courier New, Verdana, Arial;
	color: #8A1F11;
	background-color: #F5C7CD;
	border: 1px dotted #000;
	padding: 2px;
	margin: 0px auto 0px auto;
	/*overflow: auto;
	height: 200px;*/}
<table width="90%" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="3" border="0" align="center">
<td class="code"><img align="left" src="http://**YOURFORUM*/images/misc/warning.gif">{param}</td>
Example: [mod ]your warning here![ /mod]
Description: moderator's warning!
Use {option}: NO
Button Image (Optional): *leave blank*

Change your background color to your choosing and make it a solid line instead of dotted if you want.
ya, but then every1 can use it =/
If its a moderator BBcode, why are you allowed to use it :O ?
can i put any restrictions on this code?
dogbox said:

how do I enlarge the font size?

This should work:

font-size: 12pt;

Wassap said:
ya, but then every1 can use it =/
If its a moderator BBcode, why are you allowed to use it :O ?
can i put any restrictions on this code?

Use Advanced BBcode Permissions
I had used Advanced BBcode Permissions
but it doesn't works, I'm using vbulletin version 3.8.1
any clue ?

I set mod to no but still registered user can use it
I have not used this hack myself, but checking the org thread, members are inconclusive, some say it works and some dont.
Here is another code, it really looks like the one at vBTEAM
.code{font-family: Trebuchet MS, Arial;
color: #8A1F11;
font-size: 10pt; 
background-color: #F5C7CD ;
border: 2px solid #DC374E;
padding: 2px;
margin: 0px auto 0px auto;
/*overflow: auto;
height: 200px;*/}
<table width="98%" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="3" border="0" align="center">
<td class="code"><p><img align="left" src="misc/modicon.png">&nbsp;&nbsp;{param}</td></p>