How to create a form and post the feedback?


I would like to create a form that allows me to enter information and then when I press submit that information appears on another page which stores all of my enteries. <br />
Could anyone recommend a website or tutorial to explain to me how to do this?<!--content-->If you could maybe give us more information on what exactly you want to do. Must the page (after pressing submit) display ALL submitted info, or only the last submitted info? <br />
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Telling me exactly what you want could help me better. I have the feeling you are going to use some PHP and maybe databasing here.<!--content-->i'm not an expert on this stuff, but i believe you would need either a combination of php and mysql (or any database stuff) or do something special with cgi. search for them online maybe you'll find something<!--content-->yes, depending on what serverside language you use depends on how easy it will be.<br />
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if you will be going the php way then here are some to get you started.<br />
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<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""> ... =Databases</a><!-- m --><!--content-->Sugargirl, it sounds like you're wanting something similiar that I've done on my site. I have a form that the user submits. The form submits to a php script that checks for errors then inserts the information into a MySQL database. On the html page that displays the information ( the MySQL actually stores the data) you need to embed php that calls the information from the database into the page. You will probably want a form that allows a user to edit and delete information as well. The edit and delete form will just modify the content in the database so you won't have to deal with both the database and the php/MySQL webpage. Be prepared for some frustration if you're not experienced with this stuff. I spent some long hours just trying to get some very simple things to work out right. It gets easier though and you will definitely have a feeling of accomplishment when it is completed. I found that a lot of the tutorials can be misleading and like scoutt told me most are written with the deprecated register_globals turned on. The best information and advice that I received came from this forum so you're in the right place. Good luck. :D<!--content-->It also depends on what program you are using to publish the website or page, If you are using Dreamweaver there are some great and easy tutorials on building a professional feed back form with as manyfields as you like, FrontPage has an inbuilt FeedbackForm template that does exactly what you need, but in all these they are limited as well FrontPage template is limited especially the output form and dreamweaver you have to learn a bit about.<br />
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In saying this you also need a database set up either ASP, MySQL SQL, or simple FP extensions or CGI, all these with the exception of PHP or MySQL should already be available by your provider if not ask them to have them activated some may charge an extra fee.<br />
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If you go with PHP or MySQL you may as well go the extra step and just pay $85 US for Vbulletin and the Sky is the limit, you can virtually do anything with this when it comes to interactive forms....and the Vbulletin support team is great.<br />
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Tony<!--content-->why would she need a forum? she just wants a form to submit info, not a forum<!--content-->Originally posted by scoutt <br />
why would she need a forum? she just wants a form to submit info, not a forum <br />
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I just said the possibilities with Vbulletin are endless...Vbulletin is not only just a forum, you can have only 1 forum setup and set up the controlls to work it as a feedbackform (Albeit its like using a tank to do the shopping.. but hey..:D ) You can also set forums up to work like Classifieds, Guestbooks,Polling, and of course a forum....But yeah youre probably right why buy it when you can spend $200PlusUS for dreamweaver and $100US for Frontpage...or heck Just Download <!--more--> a freebie I digressed... a little.:D<br />
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Tony<!--content-->the only thing that will cost her is the a little time reading. no need for all that software to make a form and time to read on how to submit it to the database.<!--content-->