How to create a control in Behind-Code?



I am trying to write a code that creates a CheckBox inside htmlTable when the user selectes an option from a DropDownList..

So, How can i do that?? Please help me..!! :(

ASP.NET/VB.NETOne way to do this would be to create a server control that contains all the properties required to render the check box.

When the change event for the combo box occurs the page will post back and then you can create code to pass to your server control to render the check box inside it.

Im sure there are other ways to do this, however they may invlove embedding code into the html part of your page which is a practice that is no longer being encouraged.

:) All the best.yeah i think it is complex to do something like that..
anyways thanks :)Yeah, what you want to do is custom and dynamic.

Server Controls are cool though :) Very cool.