How to count rows within results?


New Member
Hi, I have a mysql/php database with lyrics.

For example: a table named A, with the fields Artist, Album, Song, and Lyrics.

I can display results like this:

Artist albums: (3 albums = 28 songs)

I am trying to get this:

Artist albums: (3 albums = 28 songs)
Album1 (14 songs on this album)
Album2 (2 songs on this album)
Album3 (12 songs on this album)

but now I can only get this:

Artist albums: (3 albums = 28 songs)
Album1 (28 songs on this album)
Album2 (28 songs on this album)
Album3 (28 songs on this album)

The code I use to get those results is:

$result = mysql_query("SELECT DISTINCT Artist,Album FROM $Letter WHERE Artist = $Artist order by Album",$db);

$AlbumCount = mysql_num_rows($result);

$result2 = mysql_query("SELECT DISTINCT Artist,Album,Song FROM $Letter WHERE Artist = $Artist order by Album",$db);

$SongCount = mysql_num_rows($result2);

$result3 = mysql_query("SELECT COUNT(Song) as Number FROM $Letter WHERE Artist = $Artist");

$NewCount = mysql_result ($result3,0,"Number");

echo "

$Artist albums:
($AlbumCount albums = $SongCount songs)</td></tr>\n";

while ($myrow = mysql_fetch_array($result)) {


($NewCount songs on this album)

</td></tr>\n", $myrow[Album]);


echo "</table>\n";

Any help is greatly appreciated...