How to convey multiple sets of data in one XML document


New Member
Developing using VB 6.0, S2K and MSXML in an n-tier environment. Thepresentation layer will always receive a DOM object back containing the XMLdata in an element tagged format like so:<clientinfo><clientmaster><fld1>a<fld1/><fld2>b<fld2/><clientmaster/><clientmaster><fld1>x<fld1/><fld2>y<fld2/><clientmaster/><clientinfo/>Now my question is how do I send is multiple sets of indirectly related datacoming back? The interface guys have requested we pass it along with theabove data in the same DOM object. For example, say fld2 from above is astate abbreviation. This abbreviation is presented in a combo box, which inturn has a list of all the states. They want the state data to be returnedas well. Since I'm new to the XML arena I thought you pro's can shed somelight on this for me.Thanks,Tony Fountain, MCPDigital Horizons, Inc.Senior Application Developer