How to convert vb3.7.2 to 3.6.8? Help


New Member
Can anyone help me how to start with. I have installed 3.7.2 but due to lack of mods, i wanted to change my forum to 3.6.8 vbulletin.
Can anyone tell me where to start? Do my backup in 3.7.2 will work to 3.6.8?
Im very noob in vbulletin and just starting to learn mysql. I wanted to install new forum and restore all the users and post messages and PMs.
please help me. Im planning to change to premodded version. thanks in advanced.
Most 3.6 mods will work on 3.7.2 and the ones that dont will likley be updated soon depending on the author, or some one will post a simple fix. Check out the hide hack/thanks hack posted here for an example.