How to convert Tiff to Image object?


New Member
This is the source for converting multi-page tiff file to one-page jpeg.I used to MemoryStream class and then convert to the jpeg.This is in Windows 2005, IIS6, Visual Studio 2008, and .NET Framework 2.0.\[code\] MemoryStream ms = null; Image SrcImg = null; Image returnImage = null; try { SrcImg = Image.FromFile(@'d:\\test.tif'); ms = new MemoryStream(); FrameDimension FrDim = new FrameDimension(SrcImg.FrameDimensionsList[0]); SrcImg.SelectActiveFrame(FrDim, 17); // 17 page... ....blah, blah...... returnImage = Image.FromStream(ms).GetThumbnailImage(ImgWidth, NewHeight, null, IntPtr.Zero); }\[/code\]but this code is well in Windows 2008, IIS7, Visual Studio 2010, and .NET Framework 4.0.The Error eraise "SelectActiveFrame" sentence. Here is the sample tiff file. [Mouse right click - Save as "test.tif"]What's the matter? or Any good solution?