[how to] control [img] dimensions


New Member
They used to have hacks like this that worked in previous versions... now, they don't and i can't get any of them working...

any one know of something I can do?

with bbcode... i disabled html, i guess i could disable bbcode, but thats kinda lame. on the fly resize would be super
Ok, first what version are you using?

Second, are you just wanting to have the images automatically resized when using the

[img] [/img]
Ya, control the bbcode tag sizes... so if they upload a 6000px width pictures, it won't screw up my statically set forum width. resize down to like 480/600 then lightbox or link to fullsize they linked.

version is 3.8.1 - ive looked on vb.org but most of the shit is for older versions and none are working.