how to compare keyword inside xml node in c#


New Member
i having created a page of which is reading xml file node for some text.below is how my xml file looks like.\[code\]<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?><Questions> <Question id="1">What is IL code </Question> <Answer1>Half compiled,Partially compiled code </Answer1> <Question id="2">What is TL code </Question> <Answer2>Half compiled,Partially compiled code </Answer2></Questions>\[/code\]i have also created a .aspx page which has a label for displaying question and a text where user can enter his/her answer for that particular question and below one button has some code like below \[code\] XmlDocument docQuestionList = new XmlDocument();// Set up the XmlDocument // docQuestionList.Load(@"C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\questioon\questioon\QuestionAnswer.xml"); //Load the data from the file into the XmlDocument // XmlNodeList AnswerList = docQuestionList.SelectNodes("Questions/Question"); foreach (XmlNode Answer in AnswerList) { if (Answer.InnerText.Trim() == lblQuestion.Text) { if (Answer.NextSibling.InnerText.Trim() == txtUserAnswer.Text) { // This is right Answer TextBox1.Text = "right"; } else { // This is wrong Answer TextBox1.Text = "wrong"; } } }\[/code\]i want to display percentage for the answer enterd by the user for a particular question.for example suppose question is ....What is IL code? and the user enters answer as Partially i want to only check the entered kweyword inside my xml answer node.if the user answer is matched with node answer then display the accuracy of answer in percentage.please help...thanks,