I know in C# I can make a factory but I don't not know how to reuse code in aspx. My code was originally purposed for ARList only, but now has IcnList. I thought about making a switch statement but isn't there something better to code?The Function\[code\] protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!Page.IsPostBack) { ARExtractionController arController = new ARExtractionController(); Dictionary<int, string> ARDictionary = arController.GetTickets(); List<int> sortedARList = new List<int>(); foreach (KeyValuePair<int, string> kv in ARDictionary) { sortedARList.Add(kv.Key); } sortedARList.Sort(); sortedARList.Reverse(); ARList.DataSource = sortedARList; ARList.DataBind(); ARList.Items.Insert(0, " "); ARList.AutoPostBack = true; } }\[/code\]