How to code “OR” in a Visual Studio project file Exec batch script code


New Member
I am working with a Visual Studio project file, and I need to modify an Exec command in the AfterBuild block so that two files are excluded from a "move" command. Specifically, I am trying to modify this:\[code\]<Exec WorkingDirectory="$(_MyOutputDir)" Command="for /r %%i in (*) do if not "%%~nxi"=="Sync Utility.exe.manifest" move "%%i" "%%i.deploy"" IgnoreExitCode="true" />\[/code\]To do something like this:\[code\]<Exec WorkingDirectory="$(_MyOutputDir)" Command="for /r %%i in (*) do if not "%%~nxi"=="Sync Utility.exe.manifest" OR "%%~nxi"=="Sync Utility.application" move "%%i" "%%i.deploy"" IgnoreExitCode="true" />\[/code\]I'm getting an error on the "OR" part. I have tried replacing it with "or if not" and "and not" as well with no luck (grasping at straws here). I am told by a coworker this is some kind of batch file scripting, but I am completely unfamiliar with this so any links to outside sources which could help me understand this better would be greatly appreciated as well.