How to clone documents?


New Member
Hi,I'm developing a XML application with VC++6, NT 4.0, XML v2.5 and I wouldlike to clone a document...I use the save method but I only get an emptycloned document. The code is:hr=m_pXMLDOMNewDoc->QueryInterface(IID_IDispatch, (void **)&pDisp));VARIANT varDocument;VariantInit(&varDocument);varDocument.vt=VT_DISPATCH;varDocument.pdispVal=pDisp;m_pXMLDOMDoc->save(varDocument);The XML SDK 2.5 Documentation says that the save method will clone the wholedocument and that it's more safe than using the cloneNode method.But my new cloned document is you know why?? If this method doesn'twork... do you know any alternative??Thank YouRegards.