How to clone a TableHeaderRow? VB.NET


New Member
I want to add to an ASP table the same TableHeaderRow at the top and at the botton. But, because it is a reference type I would only add the same columnie:\[code\]Dim topHeaderRow As New TableHeaderRow ' Code to add the cells to the topHeaderRow...' hoursHeaderRow.Cells.Add(...)' Now I want to CLONE the same TableHeaderRowDim bottomHeaderRow As New TableHeaderRow bottomHeaderRow = bottomHeaderRow ' This will not work, I need to clone it' Adds the header row to the tabletable.Row.AddAt(0,topHeaderRow) ' Adds to the first positiontable.Roww.Add(bottomHeaderRow) ' The fist row is going to disappear\[/code\]Thanks a lot for your help.