How to clean up or convert odd XML characters and formatting?


New Member
I have an XML file that contains some odd formatting, such as:\[code\]<?xml version=3D3D"1.0" encoding=3D3D"ISO-8859-1"?>\[/code\]Notice the "3D3D"s. Plus, throughout the rest of the file, the lines break at around 78 characters and include more "3D"s, along the lines of\[code\]Supercalifragilis==3Dticexpialidocious==3D\[/code\]At first I thought it all might be related to the ISO-8859-1 encoding, but running the text through PHP's \[code\]mb_convert_encoding($xml, "UTF-8", "ISO-8859-1")\[/code\] didn't seem to change any of that.Anyone familiar with these particular odd characters and formatting? If so, can you recommend any quick way to clean it up for convert it, so I can cleanly parse the file with something like SimpleXML?