How to choose whether to go for html controls or w


New Member
Dear Friends,<BR> what is the best way to choose whether to go for html controls or web controls or server controls?<BR> what are the advantages and dis advantages in both the models?<BR>Regards<BR>chandu<BR>Well Web controls are server controls. They are the same thing. When people say Web controls they usually refer to the controls like:<BR><BR>asp:textbox<BR>asp:literal<BR><BR>i.e., controls with the asp prefix. When referring to "HTML controls" they usually mean a standard HTML tag with runat="server", like:<BR><BR><input type="text" ruant="server" /><BR><BR>I think Web controls are the best way to go sice they provide more features than their corresponding HTML controls...Since the control is processed by .net and the value store in the viewstate, should we use webcontrol only when those extra fonction are needed, or is the impact not meaningfull. I think of <asp:table> as an example. I used it often, does it put extra stress on the server and/or bandwidth, since i use no functionality other then those already found in HTML ?Yes, they use more server memory, and use more bandwidth. Don't use a Server Control just to use one - only use them when you'll take advantage of the server control's properties and methods. Otherwise, just use the HTML controls.