Hi! I heard, Key word selection is the most and first part for a website owner. Can you suggest me how can choose a right key words for my web site and how much it will help me to drive visitors?
It’s my web site: http://www.telegenisys.com
Thank you Keyword research is one of the most important aspects of SEO in fact I would say it IS the most important aspect of SEO. Because without it you have nothing to try and rank for.
This may help you I Wrote it:
"Search Engine Robot & Algorithms
For search engines to index your website they must first find it this is done by using virtual robots called “spiders” and they crawl the internet looking for pages and its content to index into their search engines. Once a page it’s found it is valued on its importance and relevancy it is then compared to similar websites in their importance and relevancy and then ranked or not at all.
Search engine algorithms are constantly changing, generally minor changes are made around once a day the algorithm is the way in which the spider works and ranks what it finds. Since so many people are trying to cheat the search engines they must stay constantly on top of things to try and improve their algorithms this is why we only conduct proper long term SEO and suggest everyone else does the same.
But what if you want people to search for a certain term, to find your business and it is not coming up? This is where SEO begins pages should be optimized to provide, further relevancy and guidance for spiders to make their decision on where to rank your website within the SERP (Search Engine Results Page).
What is a keyword?
Targeted traffic comes from the searcher typing in what they are looking for, and your website appearing in the results page. A keyword is a word or a string of words (keyword phrase) that the searcher types in and you want to target. Targeting the correct keyword phrases is critical in achieving targeted traffic with the highest conversion rates. Using the wrong keywords can achieve the opposite results so, researching what keywords to use and where they should be placed is important.
Once you understand that then I can guide you into how to research those keywords. HI!
William thanks for sharing.. You can create
It’s my web site: http://www.telegenisys.com
Thank you Keyword research is one of the most important aspects of SEO in fact I would say it IS the most important aspect of SEO. Because without it you have nothing to try and rank for.
This may help you I Wrote it:
"Search Engine Robot & Algorithms
For search engines to index your website they must first find it this is done by using virtual robots called “spiders” and they crawl the internet looking for pages and its content to index into their search engines. Once a page it’s found it is valued on its importance and relevancy it is then compared to similar websites in their importance and relevancy and then ranked or not at all.
Search engine algorithms are constantly changing, generally minor changes are made around once a day the algorithm is the way in which the spider works and ranks what it finds. Since so many people are trying to cheat the search engines they must stay constantly on top of things to try and improve their algorithms this is why we only conduct proper long term SEO and suggest everyone else does the same.
But what if you want people to search for a certain term, to find your business and it is not coming up? This is where SEO begins pages should be optimized to provide, further relevancy and guidance for spiders to make their decision on where to rank your website within the SERP (Search Engine Results Page).
What is a keyword?
Targeted traffic comes from the searcher typing in what they are looking for, and your website appearing in the results page. A keyword is a word or a string of words (keyword phrase) that the searcher types in and you want to target. Targeting the correct keyword phrases is critical in achieving targeted traffic with the highest conversion rates. Using the wrong keywords can achieve the opposite results so, researching what keywords to use and where they should be placed is important.
Once you understand that then I can guide you into how to research those keywords. HI!
William thanks for sharing.. You can create