how to check latest indexed Backlinks


New Member
I have a websites with 100s of back links(as per yahoo explorer)
I would like to see just latest back links which are indexed in last month/weak/day. how can i check this??

I have tried Google Alerts service but no vain. very interesting question...i would like to know the same thing...Anyone have an idea? I want to know this too, let us keep this thread in the front page, and wait for a expert here to answer this question. wel that is really nice question for the razing but i dont think there is any one who can give the answer I will wayt for the answer to My Friends try to backlinks watch. you will get latest indexed backlinks. Google:
Traditionally Google used to show most of the back links to a site, but way back in 2002 they broke that comment and started showing back links only with PR 4 and above. Then later in 2005 they broke that too and started showing very less sometimes less than 2% of back links a site really possesses. This is had been the case for more than 2 years. But in 20o6 started a massive webmaster communication program. They opened up something called Google sitemaps. Later they capitalized on that and due to massive support they got from webmasters and now the webmaster tools shows a lot of data very useful for webmasters. One of that is the back links to a site/page/from inner pages etc. Thanks Ajit I will check this tool.