How to change the vBulletin logo to your own?

Normally its in the header template near the top, look for :

<a href="$vboptions[forumhome].php$session[sessionurl_q]"><img src="$stylevar[titleimage]" border="0" alt="$vboptions[bbtitle]" /></a>

replace it with what you want. This only replaces the logo image /link. If you want to replace the how header image you need to take the table out and replace it with your own.

if you replace the whole table, you should move this code out of the table because you might need it sometime:
<if condition="$ad_location['ad_header_logo']">$ad_location[ad_header_logo]<else />&nbsp;</if>
If you require no Coding then

Whatever your logo is rename it to vbulletin3_logo_white.gif and then upload it to this root.


I know another easy way too. While my forum is down to check what it is.
moiz615 is absolutely correct, I assumed because you said, "change" that you had something you wanted to replace it with, like a banner or something other than the default image which you can indeed replace as suggested.