New Member
I'm trying to change an XML value and then save it back as XML. Works fine when I change elements that have no namespace. Problem is, when the value I want to change is in a namespace; I can find and print out, but any changes get ignored; like this:\[code\]$ns = $xmlsingle->children('mynamespace');foreach ($ns as $myelement){ echo "my element is: [$myelement]"; //I can change it: $myelement = "something else"; echo "my element is now: [$myelement]"; //yay, value is changed!}//GREAT!//But when I save the XML back, the value is not changed... apparently the children method creates a new object; not a link to the existing object//So if I copy/paste the code above, I have the original value, not the changed value$ns2 = $xmlsingle->children('mynamespace');foreach ($ns2 as $myelement){ echo "my element is UNCHANGED! [$myelement]";}//So my change's not done when I save the XML.$xmlsingle->asXML(); //This XML is exacly the same as the original XML, without changes to the namespaced elements.\[/code\]**Please ignore any silly errors that might not compile, I re-typed the text from my original code, otherwise it would be too large; the code works, just the NAMESPACED element's values are unchanged when I put it back to XML.I'm not a PHP expert and I don't know how to access namespaced elements in any other way... How could I change those values? I searched everywhere but only find instructions how to READ the values.Thanks in advance!