The buttons I'm creating for a UI consist of an icon plus some text, thus:\[code\] [ <icon> Some Text ]\[/code\]I'm using jQuery to create the button, with HTML like this:\[code\]<button class="myButton" type="button"/>\[/code\]and JavaScript like this:\[code\]$('.myButton').button({ label: "Some Text", icons: { primary: "icon-custom", } }) .css({ width: '85px' });\[/code\]The design team have specified requirements for how it should look, so I need an to have an 85px wide button (I've managed that bit) with a 5 pixel gap between the icon and text, then center the icon+text pair within the button.Is this possible, and if so, how? I've not been able to figure it out.It seems that the default is to left-align the icon on the button, then center the text in what's left, but this doesn't look very good.