I am trying to center a content that contains a table inside a div... But I cannot seem to work out how to do it...Basically Id like to put some text next to a table, and center the table and the text to the page...The content I am trying to center:\[code\] <div style="background: purple; padding: 5px;"> <div> <table style="float: left;"> <tr> <th>This</th> <th>is</th> <th>a</th> <th>test</th> </tr> </table> </div> <span style="background: yellow; margin-left: 15px; float: left;">This is a test</span> </div>\[/code\]What I have tried:\[code\] <div style="background: red; width: 100%; text-align: center"> <div style="background: purple; padding: 5px;"> <div> <table style="float: left;"> <tr> <th>This</th> <th>is</th> <th>a</th> <th>test</th> </tr> </table> </div> <span style="background: yellow; margin-left: 15px; float: left;">This is a test</span> </div> </div>\[/code\]If someone would be able to tell me what I am doing wrong here it would be greatly apprectiated.