how to capture the querystring from hyperlink column?


I'm using hyperlink column in datagrid to do navigation. When i click on the hyperlink, i want it to go to another new page and display some data from database.

At the URL format string, i've this one >> displaycategory.aspx?id={0}

The problem is i dont know how to write the query string in my SELECT statement.. can anyone help me? :confused: Many thankss!! I'm using with visual basic, plus SQL server..are you talking about this?

If the URL is, page.aspx?myID=9

then in the page.aspx page_load method, you want to get the variable, "9" and query it against the database?

do this..

Dim num as integer = cint(request.querystring("myID"))

takyes yes.. that's what i'm asking.. thanks!!! It works..!! Thanks!!