how to call multiple perl script from one perl script and generate the output?


New Member
I have written a multiple script that returns the output in xml. i have xsl file that will print out a nice table from xml for each script. however i need to write a script in which i call all those multiple scripts and create one output.?Can this be done? if so can someone please give me an example of how this can be done.\[code\] #Example Script 1use strict;use warnings;use Data::Dumper;use XML::Simple;use Getopt::Long;my $output = '';my $debug = 0;my $path;GetOptions('path=s' => \$path,'output=s' => \$output, 'debug=i' => \$d+ebug);if($output eq ''){ die ("parameter --output=s is missing");} open my $xmloutput, ">", $outputFile or die "can not open $outputFile +"; print $xmloutput "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>\n<?xml-s+tylesheet type=\"text/xsl\" href="book.xsl\"?>\n<Books>\n";my $parser = new XML::Simple;my $data =$parser->XMLin("$path");print $xmloutput " <bookDetails> \n";print $xmloutput " <bookName>$data</bookName> \n";print $xmloutput " </bookDetails> \n";print $xmloutput " </Books> \n";close $xmloutput;\[/code\]Example 2\[code\]EXAMPLE 2use strict;use warnings;use Data::Dumper;use XML::Simple;use Getopt::Long;my $output = '';my $debug = 0;my $path;GetOptions('path=s' => \$path,'output=s' => \$output, 'debug=i' => \$d+ebug);if($output eq ''){ die ("parameter --output=s is missing");} open my $xmloutput, ">", $outputFile or die "can not open $outputFile +"; print $xmloutput "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>\n<?xml-s+tylesheet type=\"text/xsl\" href="Piano.xsl\"?>\n<Piano>\n";my $parser = new XML::Simple;my $data =$parser->XMLin("$path");print $xmloutput " <PianoDetails> \n";print $xmloutput " <PianoName>$data</PianoName> \n";print $xmloutput " </PianoDetails> \n";print $xmloutput " </Piano> \n";close $xmloutput;\[/code\]