how to calculate the PR value of our link page?


New Member
Hi,If any one could answer this, i would be pleased.I have been submitting loads of website recent days.I have have some PR8, PR7, PR6, PR5 my link page.My question is, If i exchange my link with a PR8 website and they place my link here (Example)Now is PR8 website and has PR value of 1.Which PR value will be taken into account. Either PR8 or PR1????Chou Nickyonly the pagerank on the page that your link is located counts towards your page rank.Thanks for your reply.I find lots of PR8 website's link page has page rank of 1 or 2 or even 0.Can anyone advice how to choose high PR websites?nickybangkok wrote:That was really a proffessional reply bomp.cheers & thanksPs: any more suggestion is welcomeOne more request.Lot of my backlinks shows PR0 how should i remove it? should i email them and mutually remove or what?My earlier PR prediction showed PR5, but now it shows only PR3.Let me know what should i do?Have i done anything wrongs. My yahoo placing is also going down.http://www.jnbsilver.comchouNickynickybangkok wrote:Bompa wrote: