I've been reading a lot around about how things work after the domain expires, but never really understood how should one get/buy the domain after its expiration. So here is my case which I want advice for:
The domain is registered at godaddy and its currently in redemption period. As far as I could cope, godaddy has about 42-45 days grace period in which the user is expected to renew the domain before it goes to the 30 days redemption period. So last time I checked this domain was expired on 03 Feb 2008 and apparently went into redemption period on 18 Mar 2008 (that was the last time the whois was updated). I went to TDnam to search for it, but this domain just wasn't there. So how should I get it? Should I use godaddy backorder? It is not THAT great of a domain so I doubt that anyone will want it, but still.
Any way, one other strange thing is that when I checked the whois today, it gave me only:
No information available for this domain
Last updated: 26 Mar 2008 (today)
and thats it??
What should I do in order to get this domain, what are your suggestions?
The domain is registered at godaddy and its currently in redemption period. As far as I could cope, godaddy has about 42-45 days grace period in which the user is expected to renew the domain before it goes to the 30 days redemption period. So last time I checked this domain was expired on 03 Feb 2008 and apparently went into redemption period on 18 Mar 2008 (that was the last time the whois was updated). I went to TDnam to search for it, but this domain just wasn't there. So how should I get it? Should I use godaddy backorder? It is not THAT great of a domain so I doubt that anyone will want it, but still.
Any way, one other strange thing is that when I checked the whois today, it gave me only:
No information available for this domain
Last updated: 26 Mar 2008 (today)
and thats it??
What should I do in order to get this domain, what are your suggestions?