How to begin?


Ok,<br />
I have started over, I bought the book "Sams Teach Yourself", and what I need to know is how is the best way to start. I will be using notepad, should I start with my homepage first? Should I create a seperate file for my links?<br />
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I just really need some advice on the best way to build my site, what should I start on first, what should I save until last? Thanks, you guys have been great in helping me learn!<!--content-->threer is no order to do things. you enter things as it comes to you. generally you could start at the top and work down.<br />
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having links in a seperate file is good if you update often, but your host will need to have SSI (serverside Includes) if you plan on using that fro includes, or you could go the javascript file way.<br />
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just take it 1 step at a time and the page will just come out.<!--content-->Originally posted by scoutt <br />
just take it 1 step at a time and the page will just come out. <br />
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i'm building my site i think you should do your index.html (homepage) first it just makes it easier to fit the pages design to that.<br />
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Hope it helps,<!--content-->Make yourself a template that includes a basic HEAD with all the meta tags and so on that you need. Save it, validate it, and make it read only. You can use it to build pages from there.<!--content-->What I always do before I create a new webpage is, I sit down with a pen and piece of paper, and try to decide ahead what I want it to look like, what features do I want, etc. So I sit down, and I DRAW the site. And then, as the others say, start out with your index-site. Once you have that done, the rest follows.<br />
Good luck!<br />
;)<!--content-->Don, as Acrobatnerd says, sit down with a piece of paper and sketch out the basic ideas for your site. I find graph paper is the easiest to use for that - one square equals x# of pixels. <br />
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I usually start with a list of sections (on lined paper) that I'd like to have on my site - one for images/photos, one for text-based stuff, one for personal stuff. I write the sections across the top of the page and, going down under each column, I write in what I want to include in each section. I often jot down ideas for filenames, too, so I don't duplicate or forget any. It also gives me some idea of what links are going to be on each page.<br />
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Once I have that figured out, I play with ideas for a colour scheme and how I want the navigation to work - buttons, drop down menus, rollovers or whatever. <br />
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Starting with the first page, or the index page is a good idea. I mean, it's the first page your visitors will see. After that, you can go in just about any order, but if you take each section and complete it before you move on, you're not as likely to forget a page. <br />
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Good luck!<br />
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Peg<!--content-->Originally posted by Pegasus <br />
Don, as Acrobatnerd says, sit down with a piece of paper and sketch out the basic ideas for your site. I find graph paper is the easiest to use for that - one square equals x# of pixels. <br />
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I usually start with a list of sections (on lined paper) that I'd like to have on my site - one for images/photos, one for text-based stuff, one for personal stuff. I write the sections across the top of the page and, going down under each column, I write in what I want to include in each section. I often jot down ideas for filenames, too, so I don't duplicate or forget any. It also gives me some idea of what links are going to be on each page.<br />
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Excellent advice.<br />
One other thing I've found. Don't be afraid to just delete everything. Back up what you're happy with and try again.<br />
(and again, and again, etc.) <br />
If you repeat something enough, something will click and tell you "Wait a minute. If I do this, then the page will look like........ "<br />
Have fun and learn from your mistakes.<!--content-->