How to assign users the security roles associated with Active Directory


New Member
I have a different access role for each of the pages in my application (using Windows Authentication) to restrict users from access, using SqlRoleProvider. So to add users to role, I would go,\[code\]Roles.AddUserToRole(userName, roleName);\[/code\]Now, I need integrate the company's AD groups into my application, such that each AD groups will be assigned these access roles as well, and users part of a certain AD group will automatically "inherit" the roles.My questions are: Can I continue to use my SQL tables like aspnet_Users, aspnet_Roles etc? How do I go about integrating AD groups? And how do I assign roles to AD groups? (So far, I can check all the AD groups a user is part of using Directory Entry). As a user logs in to the application using Windows Authentication, after I check that they are part of a particular AD group, how do I "give" or "assign" them the roles as per AD group?Would deeply appreciate your help with these questions.