Hi all i got many divs that has class names such as ItemLeft,ItemMiddle and ItemRight. I wonder how i can display these image divs 3 in a row using css or any easy method(currently all the images display one below each other) ?i get the image divs from getjson call as follows:\[code\]$.getJSON('http://www.awebsite.com/get?url=http://www.bwebsite.com/moreclips.php&callback=?', function(data){ //$('#output').html(data.contents); var siteContents = data.contents; document.getElementById("myDiv").innerHTML=siteContents\[/code\]Note: each time i call the getjson i get 6 image divs back that shows all below each other instead of 3 in a row!and this the div images retrieved by making getjson call, but all these image divs below each other not 3 in rows:\[code\]<div class="ItemLeft"> <div class="Clipping"> <a class="ImageLink" href="http://stackoverflow.com/videos/id1234" title="galaxy"> <img class="ItemImage" src="http://stackoverflow.com/Images/galaxyimg.jpg" alt="galaxy" /> <img class="OverlayIcon" src="http://stackoverflow.com/Images/1.png" alt="" /> </a> <a class="DurationInfo" onmouseover="showDuration2(this);" onmouseout="hideDuration2(this);" href="http://stackoverflow.com/videos/id1234"><span class="Text">51:57</span></a> </div> <div class="Title"><a href="http://stackoverflow.com/videos/id1234" title="galaxy">galaxy</a></div> <div class="VideoAge">1 daybefore</div> <div class="PlaysInfo"> broadcast 265</div></div>\[/code\]