How to apply xslt to data coming from webservice


New Member
guys I need to apply xslt to the data coming from webservice , Data was supposed to come in xml format but its not like that.My question is do I need to use xslt to convert this data to html And if yes I dont have any idea of xslt and my deadline is very short please help me in this. Thanks in advanceData coming from webservice is:E0BLRMAA2140.0INRADTR1380E0BLRMAA2013-01-26T21:35:00.000Z02013-01-26T20:45:00.000Z320falseBLRJ+0530MAAn 6E 2722013-01-26T20:45:00.000Z2013-01-26T21:35:00.000Z1802013-01-26T20:45:00.000Z2BLR320falsefalse320J+0530180+0530MAA+05302726E4568 6E 0 0.0000 F C BF 0.0000 P 1.5000 P BF 2700.0000 9W 1 0.0000 F C BF 1.0000 P 0.0000 P B 1100.0000 AI 1 0.0000 F C BF 1.0000 P 0.0000 P B 1100.0000 DN 0 0.0000 F C BF 3.0000 P 2.0000 P BF 3250.0000 G8 0 0.0000 F C BF 0.0000 P 3.0000 P BF 2700.0000 IC 1 0.0000 F C BF 0.0000 P 0.0000 P B 1100.0000 IT 1 0.0000 F C BF 3.0000 P 0.0000 P BF 1100.0000 S2 1 0.0000 F C BF 0.0000 F 75.0000 F B 1100.0000 SG 0 0.0000 F C BF 0.0000 P 1.5000 P BF 2000.0000 1 0 C B 0.0000 XXXXXMy sample respone from webservice was given as \[code\]<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:xsi=""> <soapenv:Body> <OTA_AirLowFareSearchRS Version="2.001" xmlns=""> <PricedItineraries> <PricedItinerary CompositeFlightNumber="S2101" CountCompositeFlightNumber="1" OriginDestinationRPH="0" SequenceNumber="1" SupplierSystem="Amadeus"> <AirItinerary SupplierSystem="Amadeus"> <OriginDestinationOptions> <OriginDestinationOption Duration="01:55:00" FromCache="true" SupplierSystem="Amadeus"> <FlightSegment ArrivalDateTime="2007-11-11T08:55:00" DepartureDateTime="2007-11-11T07:00:00" E_TicketEligibility="Eligible" FlightNumber="101" RPH="1" ResBookDesigCode="O"> <BookingClassAvail RPH="1" ResBookDesigCode="O" ResBookDesigQuantity="4"/> <DepartureAirport LocationCode="DEL"/> <ArrivalAirport LocationCode="BOM"/> <Equipment AirEquipType="737"/> <MarketingAirline Code="S2"/> </FlightSegment> <FormData> <FareInformationIDs> <FareInformationID BaseFare="1825" Code="" FareCode="UGOSAVE" FareID="0" PTCID="1" Quantity="">0</FareInformationID> </FareInformationIDs> </FormData> </OriginDestinationOption> </OriginDestinationOptions> </AirItinerary> <AirItineraryPricingInfo> <ItinTotalFare> <BaseFare Amount="1875" CurrencyCode="INR"/> <Taxes> <Tax Amount="1575" CurrencyCode="INR" TaxCode="TTL"/> </Taxes> <TotalFare Amount="3461.63" CurrencyCode="INR"/> <ServiceTax Amount="11.63" Currency="INR" Description="Service Tax" ServiceTaxCode="ST" ServiceTaxRate="0.0062"/> </ItinTotalFare> <PTC_FareBreakdowns> <PTC_FareBreakdown> <PassengerTypeQuantity Code="ADT" Quantity="1"/> <FareBasisCodes> <FareBasisCode>OSASAS</FareBasisCode> </FareBasisCodes> <PassengerFare> <BaseFare Amount="1875" CurrencyCode="INR"/> <Taxes> <Tax Amount="1575" CurrencyCode="INR" TaxCode="TTL"/> </Taxes> <TotalFare Amount="3450" CurrencyCode="INR"/> </PassengerFare> </PTC_FareBreakdown> </PTC_FareBreakdowns> <FareInfos> <FareInfo> <FareReference>OSASAS</FareReference> <FilingAirline Code="ZZ"/> <DepartureAirport LocationCode="DEL"/> <ArrivalAirport LocationCode="BOM"/> </FareInfo> </FareInfos> </AirItineraryPricingInfo> <TicketingInfo DeliveryMethod="EMAIL" TicketTimeLimit="" TicketType="eTicket" TicketingStatus="" eTicketNumber=""> <TicketAdvisory Language="English"/> </TicketingInfo> </PricedItinerary> </PricedItineraries> </OTA_AirLowFareSearchRS> </soapenv:Body></soapenv:Envelope> \[/code\]