I have 3 buttons in position absolute :\[code\].micro {position:absolute;}#micro_1 {left:1165px;top:176px;}#micro_2 {left:800px;top:300px;}#micro_3 {left:300px;top:400px;}\[/code\]I would like to fade these 3 elements when the mouse move and come closer to one of the images.If mouse comes closer to image 1, images 1 is fading in. Images 2 and images 3 are fading out.And so on.I can use jQuery to know the mouse position :\[code\]$('body').mousemove(function(e){ $('#mouse_position').html("mouse position: x=" + e.pageX + "; y=" + e.pageY);\[/code\]So i guess i can do some math to apply the effect.What i've done :\[code\]$('body').mousemove(function(e){ $('#mouse_position').html("mouse position: x=" + e.pageX + "; y=" + e.pageY); if (e.pageX > 394 && e.pageX < 533) { $('#lueur_video_1').fadeIn('slow'); $('#lueur_video_2').fadeOut('slow'); $('#lueur_video_3').fadeOut('slow'); } if (e.pageX > 533 && e.pageX < 722) { $('#lueur_video_2').fadeIn('slow'); $('#lueur_video_1').fadeOut('slow'); $('#lueur_video_3').fadeOut('slow'); } if (e.pageX > 722 && e.pageX < 1116) { $('#lueur_video_3').fadeIn('slow'); $('#lueur_video_1').fadeOut('slow'); $('#lueur_video_2').fadeOut('slow'); }\[/code\]