How to adjust spacer size


New Member
I have the spacer size set on my forum for 40 in the ACP. But for some reason this is applying only to the home page. When you are reading a post, there is no spacer, the forum fills 100% of the screen. How can I adjust the spacer size on the the post page (the same page you are reading from now)?
I just figured out what is causing this. A mod installed called vb ad management, when enabled it causes this. It's fine when disables. Any ideas?
Obviously the mod is allocating the space for ad placement. Maybe there's something in the config or setup of the mod to turn off that particular ad location?
Couldn't find anything in it's settings. But if the mod is allocating space for ad placement, then it should do the same for the home page too, since the ad size is the same. The ad could easily fit into the spot without extending the page. Even if I don't have any ads to put, enabling the system causes it by itself.