How To Add Site Search And Site Map


Staff member
I have gleaned from the TCH forums that members are using the following site search tools<br /><br />1.Cpanel comes with CGI script Entropy Search<br />2. freebies & addons on TCH help site refer to Isearch <a href="" target="_blank"></a><br />3. one member referred to free Google API <a href="" target="_blank">thread</a><br />4. one member referred to fastfind <a href="" target="_blank"></a> in this <a href="" target="_blank">Thread</a><br /><br />Question 1: Why would one choose one over the other? what has been your experience with it? why does it matter if it is CGI or php script?<br />Question 2: Which of these or others to use? <br />Question 3: How do I install the right tool? what steps do i take? <br />Question 4: What must I look out for?<br />Question 5: What is a cron job?<br /><br />Thanks in advance<!--content-->
I was the one to recommend fastfind and the reason I chose this script over others is it only searches my site. There are no ads inserted into the results pages. I have it on a commercial site and it's very annoying when someone enters a search term and the search results include competitors links.<br /><br />Go with what you need to get the job done. Test them all.<!--content-->