How to add newlines or carriage returns to description on facebook graph API


New Member
It sounds like a pretty simple question but I can find the answer no where. I have a post from a textarea. and I want to use the current facebook php library to do the following... \[code\]$description = $_POST['textarea_description'];//magic happens$attachment = array('access_token' => $token,'message' => "$title",'picture' => "$image_url",'link' => "$action_link",'name' => "$action_label",'caption' => "$caption",'actions' => $action_json,'description' => "$description", );$facebook->api('/'.$my_uid.'/feed', 'POST', $attachment);\[/code\]and have it work. Right now it seems to ignore \[code\]<br> <br /> \n \r \n\r \r\n\[/code\]but I am sure I might have done something to screw up my testing.. I just need to replace 'magic happens' with something that works. Right now it just converts all of the newlines I am throwing at it to spaces.. Pretty frustrating. Someone on the facebook forums suggested addslashed() of all things... but that did not seem to work for meThanks,-FT